Enabling the idea of active aging for physical health and wellness.
Scope of work
Understanding the current physical health research done in the scientific community and the methods used.
Conducting field research and interacting with the elderly population and also individuals in the age group of 30 to 65+ year old age group.
Understand their lifestyles, problems and perspective and gather qualitative data.
Develop solutions for the target group.
1. Research
Insights from secondary research
Low access to counseling in rural Bangladesh for seniors which results in low awareness about health.
Interventions seek active participation from elderly participants but are still inadequate in facilitating behavioral changes.
Playfulness in educational health activities is important as studies conducted observed increased self-image and self-esteem, in strategies that used performing arts to promote health related education and activities.
Playfulness and increased social interactions allowed the elderly to share their experiences and establish interpersonal relationships.
Urban road infrastructure is biased towards motorized vehicles in India. Making it difficult to walk or cycle on urban Indian roads.
Primary research
As aging is a fluidic and continuous process and hence interviews were conducted from the age group of 30 to 70 years old.
Age Groups
35 - 45
46 to 55
56 to 65+
Number of participants - 30.
They are the residents of Kolkata, Delhi, Jamshedpur, Kharagpur and Hyderabad.
Interview Questions -
1. What is your name?
2. What is your age?
3. What is your profession?
4. To better understand your daily life, please explain what all did you today since waking up in the morning?
5. What do you mostly eat for breakfast?
6. Do you have any illnesses or health related problems?
7. According to the doctor, why did you get the illness?
8. What steps are you taking for your health problem? Or What has the doctor suggested any diet or exercises?
9. Do you exercise like going for a walk?
10.Where do you exercise?
11.Which apps do you use on your smartphone?
12.Do you know any neighbors who exercise regularly or go for a walk daily ?
13.Have you gone for a walk with them?
14.Do you discuss physical health at home?
After completing the interviews, data collected in the form of notes and audio recordings were analyzed to uncover patterns and overlaps in people’s actions, behavior and emotions. Analysis of the data revealed that different perspectives in various age groups. The 3 main groups were 35 - 45, 46 to 55 and 56 to 65.
2. Analyse
Experience mapping
Empathy mapping - 35 to 45 years
Persona - 35 to 45 years old men
Persona - 35 to 45 years old Women
Empathy map - 46 to 55 years old
Persona - 46 to 55 years old men
Persona - 46 to 55 years old women
Empathy map - 55 to 65 years old
Persona - 55 to 65 years old male
Affinity mapping - 35 to 55 years
Affinity mapping - 35 to 45 years
How might we
Final Brief
Enable young families in urban areas to lead healthier lifestyles by participating in physical activities and spend more time together, increasing family time and reducing stress
3. Ideate
Competitive analysis
Final Direction
Gamification of physical activities with family.
Using technology to help young families in urban areas.
Enable users to participate in virtual events, and challenge immediate family members and extended family members to compete in games designed to encourage in performing physical activities.
4. System Design
Game ideas (sketching)
Move to avoid the shapes
Low fidelity wireframes

Information architecture
High fidelity Wireframes
Design system
A complementary colour palette is used to create an energetic and vibrant effect.
5. Prototype
Practice screens
Versus Battle
Team war
Thank you for watching 🙂